Group Health Insurance
International Group Medical Coverage
US-based organizations with employees overseas or non-US organizations employing expatriates, third country nationals or non-US organizations employing expatriates, third country nationals or key local nationals need a dependable and cost-effective international group benefit program.
Outside the United States, American employees often notice that their domestic group plans provide little or no benefits and services. Third country nationals or key local nationals find that their home country social medical system rarely extends beyond the country´s borders and the availability of medical facilities within those borders is often extremely limited.
As international employers seek to compete in global markets, the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified international employees can only be met with a comprehensive international group benefit program.
GroupSecureSM has been designed to meet this need.
Atlas Travel Insurance
Frecuent Travel - Atlas MultiTrip
Group Health Insurance - Atlas Group
Student Health Insurance - StudenSecure
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